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Smallin Cave Postcard from 1924

Smallin Cave 1924


Smallin Cave Photo 1963

Smallin Cave 1963


Smallin Cave: National Geographic 1923

Smallin Cave Nat Geo 1923


Old Smallin Cave Brochure

Smallin Cave Brochure


"Lincoln's Traincar" Bridge in 1963

Smallin Cave  "Lincoln's Traincar"


Window Sticker from the 1960's

Indian Decal


The photos below are of Harriet Wills and the Indian Marker Tree behind the gift shop that points to the Cave.The first photo was taken In 1941. Harriet did not want to go in the cave with her family and she sat on this tree as she waited. When she posed for the second photo in September of 2009, she once again chose not to go to the cave.

Harriet Wills Indian Marker Tree 1941

Harriet Wills on Indian Marker Tree copy


Victorian Dressed Women and Man Climbing the Breakdown

Smallin Entrance, Man Climbing Breakdown


"Largest Enterance in the World"

Notice the attempt to light the formations back in the cave with lanterns and candles

Largest Enterance in the World


Man with a Stove Pipe Hat walking on the old footpath
Man in Tophat


Man Sitting on Breakdown in the Entrance

Man on Breakdown


Silas Stacey Scruggs


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